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I've been adding links to the Course schedule, to make it a more helpful one-stop resource to the digital assets of the course. Let me know if you'd like to see any other changes to that page, in person or email me.
I'm thinking of developing this site into something more useful than Blackboard. One of the things I'd like to do is showcase really good student work. Any other ideas will be gratefully received. (email me)
As discussed in tutorials, we'll be having a competition for the best student page within each tutorial group, with the winners going to a class vote. There will also be prizes for the pages with the most followers. To start this process, here's my favourites thus far. Feel free to nominate yours by editing the table below. But keep the HTML valid, please!
The Class page entries in the table below are taken from the <title>
elements. Can you see the importance of setting this appropriately?
Student | Class page | Neocities site | Neocities profile | Why it's good. | Eligible for prizes? |
Carlos McCoy | MART 330 | | Looks like a real web page. Plus: Drum 'n' Bass! | No. Invalid HTML (checked Aug 20, 09:13) | |
Katie Henderson | Foodie Things | | For ethical stance about food waste and climate change. | No. Invalid HTML (Aug 10, 9:21) | |
Laura Weir | Laura's Website | | For the link to | No No index.html (Aug 10, 9:21) | |
Willson Kim | kimwi726 | | General goodness :-) | Yes (Aug 10, 9:21) |
Current winner: Willson Kim.
Current winner: Christina Yuen, with a grand total of 2 followers.
Here's the web pages of indvidual students, organised by tutorial group
Or, to see a list of all the sites on Neocities tagged with "mart330", click here.
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